
Thursday 21 September 2017

vRealize Network Insight 3.5 NTP Changes

With the release of vRealize Network Insight 3.5 the install and boot now has a mandatory requirement on NTP.  If your installing it and don't point it to a valid NTP source (I used my Domain Controller which technically isn't a valid NTP source) you might see the following when issuing the show-service-status command via the Platform CLI (Default credentials can be found here):

Simply issue the setup command and change the NTP source, I used  Once this change has been made the services will restart and you should see all green when issuing the show-service-status command again:

p.s.  Check out the new PCI Compliance dashboard in version 3.5.

Thanks to Hirdesh Gupta from the Customer Support and Operations team for pointing this out

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