
Monday 22 February 2021

HCX Mobility Optimized Networking Policy Routes

With the R145 release of HCX on 30th October 2020, VMware Cloud on AWS customers were treated to some great new functionality at no additional cost. New features such as Replication Assisted vMotion, Application Path Resiliency, TCP Flow Conditioning, Mobility Groups and my personal favourite, Mobility Optimized Networking. I'm not going to go into too much detail around Mobility Optimized Network (MON) since Patrick Kremer (Blog | Twitter) has covered it extensively here.

On an internal slack channel the following question was asked:

When we migrate a VM from on-premises into VMC that resides on a stretched layer 2 network without enabling MON, any traffic that needs to egress that network either destined to VMs on-premises, within VMC or out to the internet