
Thursday 7 July 2016

Central CLI - Host Health

A new feature of Central CLI that was introduced in NSX 6.2.3 is host health.  The host heath command runs over 30 checks against a host which includes network config, VXLAN config, resource utilisation and many others.  For those who are new to Central CLI it's accessed via SSH'ing into NSX Manager.

Once you have SSH'd into NSX Manager we need to identify the Host ID that want to perform a health check against.  We first need to list all the clusters with the following command:

show cluster all

We are interested in the Cluster ID first.  We now need to view all the hosts within a particular cluster:

show cluster <ClusterID>

Now that we have the Host ID's we can run the following command to show the health status for a particular host:

show host <HostID> health-status

This host is clearly in a healthy state but if I make a few changes can you guess what's wrong now?