
Monday 24 September 2012

North East VMUG #2

The next VMUG in the North East is taking place on Thursday 1st November from 12:30 – 17:00.  Matt Steiner from VMware has great little video about it:

The agenda is based around Backup, Recovery and Storage and the location is:

The CastleGate
Melbourne Street
Tyne and Wear

The full agenda is as follows:

12:30 - Registration and Networking Lunch. Enjoy some sandwiches and refreshments; meet today's sponsors Veeam and NetApp, your local VMware team and network with the VMUG committee and other members.
13:20 - Introduction from VMUG committee.
13:30 - VMware Presentation – A technical update from VMware's lead Business Continuity/DR consultant, Lee Dilworth who will provide a deep dive on vSphere Replication (now standard in vSphere), SRM 5.1 and vSphere Data Protection.
14:30 - Networking Break – Meet the sponsors and ask questions at the VMware genius bar.
14:45 - NetApp Presentation – A talk and demo around storage considerations for backup and DR.
15:15 - Veeam Presentation – A talk and demo around Veeam backup and recovery solutions.
15:45 - Networking Break – Meet the sponsors and ask questions at the VMware genius bar.
16:15 - vNews – An update with the latest news from Barcelona VMworld.
16:50 - Wrap up: An interactive Q & A session with the VMUG committee (bring your smartphone!) and raffle draw.
17:00 - Close and vBeers (Bridge Hotel)

If you need anymore information then feel free to reach out.

Saturday 1 September 2012

RouterBOARD – Logging

The logging functionality within RouterBOARD is pretty impressive.  The log can be viewed from the main menu:
In order to configure new logging you need to go into System –> Logging.  By default the following errors are logged:
Logs can be sent to the following Actions (Locations):
When the disk option is selected then logs are stored on the local hard disk.  The local hard disk is around 61MB in size with around 31MB free (This can be viewed by going to System –> Resources).  You can amend the log to local hard disk options by clicking it and changing the required parameters:
Not too sure what Echo is but I’m assuming it echo’s the log to the CLI.  Anyways, the following options can be changed for echo:
Memory refers to the flash memory of the device.  This is roughly around 60MB with 45MB spare (This can be viewed by going to System –> Resources).  You can also change how many log lines are stored in memory to store more data:
The final option is remote.  This refers to a remote syslog server where you can configure the IP address and port number:
You can log a variety topics which include firewall, account, info, email, dhcp etc etc.  I wanted to log all firewall traffic that was being blocked.  To do this simply go back to the logging option and click the Red Plus sign under the Rules tab:
In the Topic section add Firewall and then select where you want to log the data to.  In my case I’m just logging to memory.  You can also prefix some text to all firewall entries so you can easily identify it if you want.  Once finished simply click Apply:
Your new rule to log firewall traffic should be visible:
In order for the firewall to start logging traffic you need to add a firewall rule to tell it to log traffic.  To add the rule simply click IP –> Firewall and set focus to the Filter Rules tab.  By default there are 4 rules in place.  The first rule allows ICMP (Ping) traffic on all interfaces.  The second and third rules allow established and related traffic and the final rule blocks everything else:
To add a log rule simply click on the red plus to add a new rule.  Click on the General tab and set the Chain to be forward and the In. Interface to be your external gateway (Where the internet is connected to):
Click on the Action tab and set the Action to be Log and then also set a log prefix if you want and then click Apply
The new rule should appear in the list of rules.  Simply drag the rule to where you want it to take affect.  If you want to see all traffic including allowed traffic then drag the rule to the top of the list.  If you only want to see dropped traffic then drag it just above the drop rule:
To see if in action click on the Log button and you should dropped traffic starting to appear.